Canine Support

What Is Canine Bodywork?

Through light touch bodywork techniques, we can access and reboot the body’s communication system (the nervous system) to restore normal order and function.

The current bodywork methods used for North Of 9 Canine patients include:

  • Bowen

  • Craniosacral

  • Whole Energy Body Balancing For Pets

  • Kinesiology Tapings

  • Feldenkrais Exercises

  • Myofascial Release

  • Acupressure

  • PEMF

How Bodywork Creates Change

Bodywork restores balance in the body by restoring the messaging system of your dog’s nervous system. Through a series of gentle rolling moves, in precise locations on the body, we can access and send “reboot” signals to the brain via the fascia.

Fascia surrounds all parts of the body. It provides structural support and has the key role of sending cellular messages to the brain. By creating a piezoelectric charge in the soft tissue with rolling moves, we can send a direct message to the neurological system. 

This brings awareness to physiological dysfunction such as posture imbalances, pain, or dysfunction within a muscle or joint, allowing the body to shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic ( flight or fight) to parasympathetic ( rest and digest). In a parasympathetic state, the body is aware and responsive to changes within the body. This allows the body’s neurological system and immune system to correct any imbalances, heal, and maintain a calm mental state.

Bodywork offers a unique and non-invasive way for your dog to be and feel their best.

The Value Behind Bodywork For Your Dog

Bodywork helps your dog maintain optimal health to be strong, stable, and able to think with a clear mind.

This takes the stress out of training sessions, and changes in routine, and builds their confidence.

It also provides you as an owner, peace of mind knowing they’re at less risk of injuries or illnesses. This saves you energy, time, and resources in the long run long.

It Takes A Village

Working closely with your dog’s full care team, including their veterinarians, ensures the best management plans can be executed for optimal health.

Flexible Session Locations

If you’re ready for the next step submit your dog's health history and how learn how to prepare for your first assessment and session.

Session appointments can be booked at your home or held at our North Of 9 Wellness Center located at our farm, North of 9 Equine ( 4th line of Tottenham, just 5 minutes Northwest of Schomberg ON.

Rates & Packages

We offer a variety of Rates and Packages.